How to Add Signatures to Custom GPT Responses

A trick I've used to get custom GPTs to respond with helpful links.

Claude's illustration of a "chatty" ChatGPT robot

I regularly create small custom GPTs to help writers check or refine their content.

For now, custom GPTs are the best way for a team to share an AI tool with minimal effort, and without asking everyone to pay for an account.

All of my GPTs end their initial response by giving links to other GPTs that are helpful, like a signature or a sign-off.

Someone in my team asked me how I did this because their attempts hadn't worked. I can sympathise! I don't think custom GPTs are super reliable. It can also take a lot of tedious editing to get a prompt to work the way you want it to.

That said, I believe there is a trick to get a custom GPT to repeat a phrase verbatim.

If you'd like to get your GPT to respond with a phrase or a link, use the words "say exactly" in your instructions.

Here's the final section of my instructions, edited a little for confidentiality reasons:

At the end of the response, please say exactly: "Next, please check item A. Use this GPT: (link to GPT). Then check item B: (link to GPT)"

This signoff always gives the user the same links in its response. It allows me to make sure everyone has the current, most helpful links to the GPTs we use most frequently.